Chapter 207 - Migrating People

and Wang Shu stood on top of the city walls. They allowed the heavy snow to fall on their bodies while the two of them discussed about the true female army! They had just received news of Fu Ping, and two days ago, the battle of Fu Ping had ended.

At that moment, shouts could be heard coming from outside the city gate.

Zhao Chen looked down and said in a somewhat astonished manner, "It's actually Yu Yunwen!"

Immediately, Zhao Chen ordered his men to open the city gate as he saw Yu Yunwen leading a few men to the city wall, and standing in front of Zhao Chen!

"Get up!" Aren't you in Wu Gong County? Why did you come to see me at this time? " Zhao Chen said.

"This humble subject has heard the news of the true female army landing from the dragon gate. I have some doubts in my heart, so I have come to pay my respects to Your Majesty!" Yu Yunwen stood up and said.

"What doubts do you have?" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, I am worried that Zhao Gou's army will invade from the Tongguan!" Yu Yunwen said.

"What?" Zhao Chen was shocked, and asked: "How did you come to such a conclusion?"

"Your Majesty, last year, when the true female army went south, Liu Guangshi and Zhang Jun were in Jiangnan, not going to Kaifeng at all! At that time, Zhao Gou had relied on Zong Ze's army to stop the true female army! But this time, Liu Guangshi and Zhang Jun have led two hundred thousand troops to Kai Feng. I heard that they are still advancing towards the north! Why was Zhao Gou's actions this time completely different from the last time? This humble subject has been pondering for the past few days. It was only until the news of the female true to have invaded the Dragon Gate two days ago that this humble subject managed to draw a faint conclusion! I'm afraid that the Conan's traitor and the Female Genuine have already teamed up! The real women came down from the dragon gate to attack us, while the Conan's traitor came down from the Tongguan to invade us! I'm afraid the two families have joined hands! " Yu Yunwen said.

"This …" Zhao Chen was surprised, and immediately started thinking!

"Your majesty, the reason Conan's traitor sent Liu Guangshi, Zhang Jun and the rest to the north was not to guard against the female experts, but to deal with us!" Yu Yunwen said.

Zhao Chen's mind was in a mess, he had never thought of this problem! On one hand, the current situation was very different from the one in history. He still treated the female true qi as his main enemy and ignored Zhao Gou! On the other hand, he believed that female true was from another clan, so Zhao Gou was from the same clan, he never thought that the two families would work together!

"That's right!" It was very possible! Liu Guangshi, Zhang Jun and the rest might very well be here to deal with us! The two of them had an army of two hundred thousand under their command, while Zong Ze had countless of allies! This time, they might have already made their move! Not good, we need to immediately head to Tongguan to support them! " Zhao Chen said.

"Yes!" Your Majesty is right! " Yu Yunwen said.

As they were talking, the sounds of horses' hooves could be heard from afar. A dozen cavalrymen were galloping towards them!

The cavalry were all holding onto the urgent military medallion, they had arrived at the city gate, and upon knowing that Zhao Chen was above, they immediately ran up!

When they reached the top, they were all panting heavily!

At that moment, they were all kneeling on the ground. One of the leaders, Wu Dai, gasped for breath and said, "Your Majesty, something terrible has happened …" Someone … Someone is attacking Tongguan! Seems to be a subordinate of the Conan's traitor! "

He had been hurrying on his journey all this way until now, and now that he was speaking, he couldn't help but cough!

"What?" How many men and horses do they have? " Zhao Chen asked anxiously.

"At least two hundred thousand!" That Director Wu said.

"This... It's actually real? " Wang Shu's face revealed an expression of disbelief!

Previously, when he heard Yu Yunwen's analysis, Wang Shu did not think much of it, but now he knew that it was actually true! Yu Yunwen, a seventeen year old youth, had actually guessed everything! The Kang Wang Zhao Zhuang and the Nvzhen had allied, the two of them were actually attacking the power of the Middle Han Area together!

"The Tongguan only has ten thousand guards, they won't be able to stop the great army of the Conan's traitor! We have to get there! " Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, it's too late now! Too late! It has already been at least two days since these soldiers reported from Tongguan. We need at least two days to rush over! Four days, most likely the subordinates of the Emperor Kang had already conquered the Tongguan! We won't be able to make it in time! " Yu Yunwen said.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Zhao Chen said somewhat anxiously.

"Your Majesty, the number of garrison troops in Chang'an City is also extremely limited! There were only a mere two thousand people, and even if Managed was included, he only had a little more than seven thousand! How could these seven thousand people defend Chang'an? In this humble subject's view, Chang'an will definitely be lost! We must evacuate Chang'an! " Yu Yunwen said.

Zhao Chen stood there, he could not believe the situation in front of him!

Standing at the top of the city wall, he looked at the endless snowfall and the distant pure white heaven and earth. The sudden news put a lot of pressure on him!

However, he was a monarch who had experienced countless hardships. He was very different from an ordinary peaceful monarch! In a short period of time, his heart had already calmed down, and he started to analyze whether Yu Yunwen was right or wrong!

In the end, he had to admit that Yu Yunwen was completely right!

He could not save Tongguan at all! Even if he rushed over now, the Tongguan would have fallen! Moreover, if the number of enemies reached a few hundred thousand, even if the quality of the army was poor, it would still not be difficult to take down Chang An!

"Your Majesty, we must evacuate Chang'an right now!" Wang Shu said.

Zhao Chen nodded with difficulty!

Immediately send someone to the north to notify Yue Fei! He told Yue Fei that the Tongguan was down, and Chang An was about to be down! Have him lead the Imperial Guard south immediately! Extinguishing the Jin Army was no longer important, there were still the Jingyuan Army s in the north, the Tsinghua Army s, the Shanbei Forbidden Army s, they could stop the Jin Army s! Also, Yu Yunwen, I want to ask you, can your Production and Construction Corps be used? Can we fight in the battlefield? " Zhao Chen calmed down and said to Yu Yunwen.

"The Production and Construction Corps has been established for less than four months. They usually focus on production and construction, but since winter has come, they have nothing to do, so the amount of training increased! But even so, they were not in the regular army. If they wanted to fight against the rebel soldiers, they were afraid that they would not be able to do so! However, this humble subject has already set up layers of defenses before coming here. They rely on the terrain to defend themselves, so they should be able to stop the rebel army! " Yu Yunwen said.

"Very good! Wu Yu's Daughter is a pillar of the Kingdom, after this battle I will definitely make you more important! Inform the citizens of Chang'an City to immediately retreat and head towards Wu Gong County! Also, the Chang'an City must take away all the supplies and weapons, not even the slightest bit of them. I'll give you guys half a day. You have to pull everyone out of Chang'an! We will personally lead the Managed's back room! " Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, you must leave this place first!" Wang Shu immediately replied.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty was right, you must leave Chang'an first!" Yu Yunwen immediately said.

"I have made up my mind!" Immediately carry out my order! " Zhao Chen said indifferently.

Now that he had absolute authority, no one would dare to say anything if he were to reject him in such an indifferent manner! Immediately, Wang Shu and Yu Yunwen got busy, they sent an army to inform the citizens of Chang'an City to leave their homes, and headed towards Wu Gong County!

The citizens of Chang'an City had just woken up and were notified by the higher-ups. They found it unbelievable!

"This is an order by His Majesty! His Majesty told all of you to leave Chang'an immediately! Conan's traitor and the woman have really joined hands. They used an army of hundreds of thousands. Those soldiers were doing the emergency mobilization!

"What?" Conan's traitor is so outrageous? He actually teamed up with the female barbarian? Didn't he know that the True Barbarians kidnapped two Supreme Grand Emperors? Of the two emperors, one is his father and the other is his big brother. An old man could hardly believe it.

"That's right!" Emperor Kang was unscrupulous to the extreme! Even His Majesty didn't expect such an unbelievable thing to happen! Now that the Imperial Guards have gone to the north, we must evacuate this place first, and then eliminate these traitorous ghosts! " The soldier said.

After experiencing the war and chaos in Shaanxi, the local families and forces had all disappeared. Advocacy Division's work here was the best! This was also the reason why almost all the citizens of Han City perished together with the Nvzhen when the woman took down Han City! As the center of the Guan Shan, Chang An was also the center of the Advocacy Division.

The citizens trusted and supported the imperial government and Zhao Chen unconditionally. Under the persuasion of the soldiers and officials of the Advocacy Division, the citizens left their homes one after another and headed outside.

They were just rescued last year, their families didn't even have much money, it was already pretty good for their families to have 10 or 20 taels of silver! As a result, they had nothing to take care of. At the moment, the soldiers, officials and soldiers of Advocacy Division did not encounter any resistance, and all the civilians rushed outside!

From the morning of the ninth day of the first month, countless of citizens had already left their homes and came to the city gate. At noon, practically all one hundred thousand citizens of the Chang'an City came out!

They dragged their families and headed west!

The snow covered the sky, and their speed was a bit slow!

Behind them, the Chang'an City's garrison troops were bringing out the food and supplies from the Chang'an City!

It was only in the afternoon that all this was completed!

The five thousand people of Managed still did not leave. They were mounted soldiers, different from the ordinary garrison troops.

"Your Majesty, the Chang'an City should not have left it for them either! They might as well burn the Chang'an City! As a result, their army had no place to live, so they could only live in the wilderness! In this winter, their battle prowess would definitely be affected! We'll burn all the places we've passed! A true fortification! They don't live here, they don't eat, and they will leave very soon! " Yu Yunwen said while riding on his horse.

"You can't!" Zhao Chen was stunned in place for a long time before he spoke again.

"Your Majesty, don't be soft-hearted!" Wang Shu said.

"A woman's heart? "After so many years, someone finally called me a woman!" Zhao Chen laughed bitterly.

"Your Majesty, please reconsider!" Yu Yunwen said.

"This Chang'an City is an ancient capital. I can't bear for it to be destroyed in my hands!" Zhao Chen finally revealed his reason!

"Your Majesty!" Yu Yunwen said anxiously.

"Let's go!" We will fight back eventually! In the future, do we still have to rebuild the Chang'an City? To rebuild a city from an empty space would take too much time! Forget it, leave it to them! " Zhao Chen said.

Yu Yunwen almost couldn't resist the urge to secretly burn the Chang'an City, but he still sighed in the end! It was difficult for him to make up his mind to destroy these ancient cities! However, he felt that Chang'an could still stay. The remaining villages and towns had to all be burned! In short, he had to convince Zhao Chen to pursue a policy of fortifying the wall and clearing the fields!

In Yu Yunwen's opinion, there must be a problem with the Emperor Kang's army! The Henan now was different from the Henan before the war. After the havoc in the Nvzhen, the majority of Henan Province was empty. There were extremely limited production of food there. The Emperor Kang army had to transport the food from the south of the river to Kaifeng, and then to this place. If there was a problem with the enemy's grain, then the best method would be to fortify the walls and clear the fields!

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